Belthazor the golden and Hershmith the silver - planet of origin: Unknown
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The alien first made contact with me on the 27th of February 2023.
I had entered Kismat's(partnered with Tariqs Express), an open late kebab shop, to order a chicken sandwhich with chips and a pepsi max. It was at this time that i made first contact with the extra terrestial being that would alter the course of my life forever.The alien was small, and bipedal in stature i saw it hiding among the kebab shop apparatus.[pictured below]
When i locked eyes with the being a sort of communication beyond language occured and i learned a lot of secrets from the homeworld. Humankind is not alone, i tell you that in the sincerest of tones. After days melded with the beings psychie, upon returning to my own body it was as if i was remembering a dream or a past life, it seems the alien's communication with humans is not as synchronos as within beings of their same species.
The alien which had now introduced itself to me approached me and bestowed me with an egg. It was clear that it was mine.
Before I left Kismat's(partnered with Tariqs Express), with my chicken sandwhich, chips and a pepsi max, I was able to take two definitive photos to prove the authenticity of my experience and to document mankinds tender first encounters with the other kind. I have not seen the Kismat alien since.

The alien twins I have sired, one of gold and one of silver
Alien Culture - March 1st 2023
The alien Homeworld is in great peril, it is not under normal circumstances that these beings would so readily present themselves among humans.The egg has been placed in a makeshift incubation pod, on the window shelf of the small bathroom.
The aliens have begun communication with me from within the egg. The fog from the first encounter is clearing with the help of the alien twins. They have since named themselves Belthazor the Golden and Hershmith the Silver. They have succesfully begun to bond to myself as their parent figure and to other memebers of the household upon use of the lavatory.
There has been no physical change to the egg to the human eye
Changes to the biochemistry of the Egg - March 18th 2023
Alien communcation is growing rapidly, it is clear to me now that Belthazor and Hershmith are not aware of the troubles in their homeworld. Visions of the alien homeworld were beamed to me by the Kismat alien, their war was desperate and the kismat aliens are down to their last few battalions. I do not know whether to reveal this to Belthazor and Hershmith, i fear they may be too young, i only hope that I have not psychically betrayed this fact already.
The egg has developed a sort of perspiration around its epidermis. The primordial ooze found within the egg has matured to be amber in colour. The twins health seems to be nominal at this time, their mood i would describe as gay and jubilant

Movement recorded along with fissure formation - March 23rd 2023
The Egg has moved on its own, the twin's strength grows daily. I have noted and taken photographic evidence of a fissure that has formed along the surface of the eggs; one can only assume this could indicate that the egg may be hatching soon. The mood within the egg is high, belthezor and Hershmith are able to telepathically communicate very well at this point, they like to listen to music from my memory and they are big fans of Daft Punk and Paul McCartneys solo band Wings oddly enough.

Extended Psychic Event - March 27th 2023
Last night I was sequestered, in use of the lavatory, inside the alien incubation room. Whilst i was sitting in there, the alien twins explored my mind and retrieved the entirety of the film Blade(1998).You can catch my review for which on my letterboxd.
Upon waking up i was shocked to find what the twins had procured (see below). What is most interesting to note; they had not just managed to acquire a poster for the film, but a miniaturised version that was shrunk to suit their size. Their powers are growing daily and it now appears that they are able to leave the egg. The aliens have developed a mischeavious spirit and are declining to comment on the poster other than to remark on how cool Wesley Snipes is.
Humxn kinship with the aliens -April 10th 2023
The aliens have developed a true friendship with me. We have now watched the second blade film. They have made friends with many people though the use of the toilet, and have been described by defecators as: friendly, good natured and as funny little guys. The alien's haven't commented on how they interact with the world without leaving their egg, what's more, i have awoken this morning to find this gift on my dresser drawer.

Deterioration of the outer shell layers - April 15th 2023
The outer shell of the egg is dissolving, it is clear to me that their time in the egg is coming to an end. The aliens have been acting differently this week... They seem to be waiting for the arrival of something. They are unwilling to share details.
Internal Epidermal layer of shell shrinking | Outer shell layer showing signs of cracking

Alien Technology is revealed to me - April 20th 2023
At 3AM UTC the aliens revealed the UNIT 01 Terran Vehicle
During a late night toilet trip the aliens decided to materialize the UNIT 01 prototype infront of my eyes.[pictured below, please be wary if you have a nervous disposition it is likely to terrify]

After finishing up on the toilet(No.2),the aliens explained to me that the UNIT 01 is the device that has allowed them to maintain a prescence outside of the egg. The Vehicle is bipedal and it moves like a cat.
The aliens received the technology from an alien satellite positioned in low earth orbit.
The full capabilities of the UNIT 01 are unknown. It seems to be linked and finely tuned to the will of the aliens. It uses its single arm and small cargo shelf to interact with the environment. The existence of the UNIT 01 leads me to believe the aliens may develop further iterations of the UNIT device.